• New Tank Syndrome: It is a state due to new tank, filters, decoration, add beneficial bacteria medicine.
• Chlorine: Tap water may contain Chlorine and Chloramine, to neutralise use anti chlorine.
• Aquarium Gears: Check condition of air pump, heaters, lights &filters.
• Poor Water Condition: Clean filters every week, it is recommended to replace 25 percentage of water by weekly, full cleaning in bimonthly, removes nitrites & ammonia. Sudden changes in PH.
• Over stock: fish pop makes pollutants at level high, creates ammonia in aquarium. Chance of fighting each other.
• Over Feeding: Feed fish food which they can eat in 1 minute, uneaten food coverts to ammonia highly toxic for fish.
• Disease: obverse fish health, movement, feeding.
• Tank Mates: Choose appropriate tank mates, chance fishes quarrel each other.
